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DBCTC 2021 Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway

The DBCTC’s 2021 Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway Event, hosted at the Tri-State Mall on November 18, was a heartwarming occasion that brought the community together.


It was a celebration embodying the true essence of Thanksgiving—uniting people and families while fostering a spirit of generosity and solidarity.


The DBCTC’s event, meticulously organized, aimed to facilitate local families’ participation in Thanksgiving celebrations by distributing turkeys. This act went beyond mere food provision; it fostered a multifaceted environment rich in warmth, companionship, and unity among all attendees.


By offering turkeys for distribution, the event directly addressed a fundamental need within the community, ensuring that families could partake in the Thanksgiving festivities.


Moreover, it cultivated a sense of togetherness by bringing people from diverse backgrounds under one roof, encouraging interaction, dialogue, and the forging of meaningful connections.


The Tri-State Mall served as a welcoming venue, amplifying the event’s activities and fostering a sense of togetherness within the community. Through this initiative, the DBCTC reaffirmed its commitment to supporting and uplifting the neighborhood, spreading joy and gratitude during the festive season.